it was a bad idea to sell heavy home-improvement equipment on the amazon site and charge a pittance for shipping, and it was a bad idea to consider storing merchandise in the apartments of college students living in manhattan, so that the students could make deliveries in their neighborhoods....
“Amazon delivered the package, I can’t remember where in our condo complex. It was addressed to someone who does not live in our complex. A resident brought the package to me because I’m the secretary of the condo board of directors, and keep...
Say hello to Robinhood - an investing app that lets you buy pieces of companies like Apple, Amazon, and Tesla for only $1. No account fees, no tricky terms, and zero commissions.[2] So instead of that next latte, why not invest the cash on Robinhood and start building your future?
The bean is washed into the river that flows into the Amazon River where it makes it’s way to the Atlantic to be carried away by the currents North. Very romantic don’t you think?! Next on the list is the illusive Hamburger Bean! It looks like a mini hamburger on a bun! We’ve...