How many children did Sarah Polk have? How many children did Thomas Jefferson have with Martha? How many children did John F. Kennedy have? How many kids did Benjamin Franklin have? How many children did Calvin Coolidge have? How many slaves did Abraham Lincoln free?
19 Abraham didn’t weaken. Through faith he regarded the facts: His body was already as good as dead now that he was about a hundred years old, and Sarah was unable to have children. 20 He didn’t doubt God’s promise out of a lack of faith. Instead, giving honor to God ⸤for...
And the LORD asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh [to herself], saying, ‘Shall I really give birth [to a child] when I am so old?’Christian Standard BibleBut the LORD asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Can I really have a baby when I’m old? ’Holman Christian ...
Learn about Abraham Lincoln’s early life, his family, and his childhood. Read about Abraham Lincoln’s education and his informal and formal education. Related to this Question How many sons did Abraham Lincoln have? How many children did Abraham Lincoln have?
Sarah, also spelled Sarai, in the Old Testament, wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. Sarah was childless until she was 90 years old. God promised Abraham that she would be “a mother of nations” (Genesis 17:16) and that she would conceive and bear a son, but Sarah did not believe...
6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord; whose children ye have become, doing good, and not fearing with any kind of consternation. 彼得前书 3:6 — The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 6 just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. You have become her children when you ...
He was a miracle child, greatly desired by his parents Abraham and Sarah. They were advanced in years, and never had children. Sarah was ninety and Abraham was 100 when he was born. Isaac was such a miracle, that Sarah laughed at the very idea that she would have a baby when a ...
1. Hagarwas Sarah’s handmaid. Her story is recorded inGenesis 16:1-16andGenesis 21:9-21. Sarah did not trust God to provide a son in his perfect timing, so Sarah gave Hagar to her husband Abraham to have a child. Hagar was hurt by this decision, as was Sarah. ...
The son of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac is a patriarch of Israel. In this passage, he is continuing the legacy of his father by digging wells, which are vital for survival and prosperity in the arid region.2. RehobothThe name of the well Isaac dug, meaning "broad places" or "room" in ...
Hebrews 11:11 Or By faith Abraham, even though he was too old to have children—and Sarah herself was not able to conceive—was enabled to become a father because heYoung's Literal Translation (YLT) by Public Domain New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®...