verb.Understandably, this multitalented part of speech can be analyzed and categorized in any of several ways. For example, this dictionary distinguishes between atransitive verb,labeled “(used with object),” as inThe countryfoughttwo wars at the same time,and anintransitive verb,labeled “(...
No results found forverbs Did you meanverb? More Suggestions: vers verbose verbal verbid verism Proverbs Derby Jerba Serb.
verb (vɜːb) n 1.(Grammar) (in traditional grammar) any of a large class of words in a language that serve to indicate the occurrence or performance of an action, the existence of a state or condition, etc. In English, such words asrun, make, do,and the like are verbs ...
noun /vɜːb/ /vɜːrb/ (grammar) a word or group of words that expresses an action (such aseat), an event (such ashappen) or a state (such asexist) regular/irregular verbs transitive/intransitive verbs see alsolinking verb,main verb,phrasal verb,pro-verb,reciprocal verb ...
VEQI VER VER.DI VERA VERAC VERAM VERAN VERB VERB SAP VERBAL VERBS VERC VERCON VERD VERDAN VERDI VERDICT VERDIN VEREX Verf VERG VERGE VERGIS VERGL VERH VERI VERI BEST VERIFIN VERIP VERIS VERITAS VERITY VERL VERN VERnet VERNO ▼ convert into a verb: to verbalize “butter” into “to butter.” verb (used without object) verbalized,verbalizing. to use many words; be verbose. to express somethingverbally. Discover More Other Words From ver bal·i·za tionnoun ...
Verb Dictionary find it Verb dictionary powered byWordHippo.
VERB meaning: a word (such as jump, think, happen, or exist) that is usually one of the main parts of a sentence and that expresses an action, an occurrence, or a state of being
字源Etymology Settings verb vɜrb Main English Definition (名) As a noun The word class that serves as the predicate of a sentence. A content word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state of existence. Hyphenationverb Part of Speech(名) noun ...
using spoken words rather than written words;orally: The committee verbally OK’d the park renewal plan. by the use of words, rather than by physical means: Pain inflicted verbally can leave deep, invisible scars. Grammar.with the function of a verb: ...