out loud- using the voice; not silently; "please read the passage aloud"; "he laughed out loud" aloud Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank...
say (seɪ) v. said, say•ing, adv., n., interj. v.t. 1. to utter or pronounce; speak: to say a word. 2. to express in words; state; declare: Say what you think. 3. to state as an opinion or judgment: I say we should wait here. 4. to recite or repeat. 5...
put in a good word for,to speak favorably of; commend: Alsoput in a word for. He put in a good word for her with the boss. take someone at their word,to take someone's statement to be literal and true. take the words (right) out of one's mouth,to say exactly what one was ...
say argue plead utter What are some words that share a root or word element withspeak? speak up speak down to speak out speak too soon speak one’s mind speak of the devil in a manner of speaking What are some words that often get used in discussingspeak?
Voice search ► Find the definitions you’re looking for anywhere, anytime. The app even offers up English spelling help. Not sure how a word is spelled? Say it out loud, and this app will find it for you. Grammar help ► Get grammar tips, word usage, and more to improve your ...
* Double-click to select, and then right-click on any word to get a pop-up that tells you which syllable to stress (make longer), and what vowel sound (color) you should use, as you say the word out loud. * Listen to the vowel sound recording and then the word recording, and ...
Cryis the general word:to cry out.Toshoutis to raise the voice loudly in uttering words or other articulate sounds:He shouted to his companions.Bellowrefers to the loud, deep cry of a bull, moose, etc., or, somewhat in deprecation, to human utterance that suggests such a sound:The spea...
Voice search ► Find the definitions you’re looking for anywhere, anytime. The app even offers up English spelling help. Not sure how a word is spelled? Say it out loud, and this app will find it for you. Grammar help ► Get grammar tips, word usage, and more to improve your ...
Say it ain't so, Joe Say it ain't so, Joe! say it, don't spray it say no more say out loud say over say over and over (again) say piece say something behind someone's back say that say the word say to say to (oneself) ...
Discourseusually refers to formal, extended speech:"When there was nothing to say, he discoursed on the nature of silence"(Stacy Schiff). Word History:Because English is a Germanic language, first-year German produces many moments of recognition for English speakers and several puzzles. For examp...