Define interterm. interterm synonyms, interterm pronunciation, interterm translation, English dictionary definition of interterm. adj occurring between terms n an intersession Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©
5.relations a.The mutual dealings or connections of persons, groups, or nations in social, business, or diplomatic matters:international relations. b.Sexual intercourse. 6. a.The act of telling or narrating. b.A narrative; an account.
penguin_dictionary of international relationship企鹅国际关系辞典.pdf,THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Pe
Agent-structure, Neo-realism, mixed actor model, zero-sum* Terms for developments that have greatly affected international relations in the post-Cold War period e.g. Big emerging markets (BEMs), Critical theory/Postmodernism, ethnic cleansing, non-offensive defence 展开 ...
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: To have a “causerie” means to have … an argument. an informal talk or chat. ...
International relations thawed. verb (used with object) to cause to change from a frozen to a liquid or semiliquid state; melt. to free from the physical effect of frost or extreme cold; bring to a more normal temperature, especially to room temperature: I took the steaks out of the freez...
Entries have been gathered from around the world, and this dictionary will therefore be valuable to those operating in an international environ ment where different term~, or terms with different spellings, are used. There are also terms with different meanings, depending on their country of ...
Bookmark this page for all things marketing terms and definitions. This glossary clarifies acronyms, buzzwords, and phrases often used in the marketing industry.
Asociatia Internationala pentru Educatie din Republica Moldova Asociatia Nationalã a Centrelor Zonale de Educare a Adultilor Asociatia Nationala a Evaluatorilor din Romania Asociatia Nationala a Internet Service Providerilor din România Asociatia Nevazatorilor din România ...
2.of or pertaining to two or more nations or their citizens:a matter of international concern. 3.pertaining to the relations between nations:international law. 4.having members or activities in several nations. 5.transcending national boundaries or viewpoints. ...