Define immune response. immune response synonyms, immune response pronunciation, immune response translation, English dictionary definition of immune response. n. An integrated bodily response to an antigen, in vertebrate animals including the immediate,
2. Not affected by a given influence; unresponsive: immune to persuasion. 3. Immunology a. Of or relating to immunity or an immune response. b. Having resistance to a specific pathogen. c. Having or producing sensitized antibodies or lymphocytes that react to specific antigens: immune serum...
An immune response pertains to any of the body’s response to a foreign substance, such as an antigen. (Ref. 1) The response intends to protect the body from disease-causing viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites. A transplanted organ may also incite an immune response when it is identifi...
Immunosuppression definition: the inhibition of the normal immune response because of disease, the administration of drugs, or surgery.. See examples of IMMUNOSUPPRESSION used in a sentence.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics:Medicine,Human,Illness & disabilityim‧mune/ɪˈmjuːn/●○○adjective1[not before noun]someone who isimmuneto a particulardiseasecannotcatchitOnce we’ve had the disease, we’re immune for life.2→immune response/reaction3[not be...
zì shēn miǎn yì fǎn yìng zhèng zhuàng 自身免疫反应症状 the symptom of immune response Hot words today 好good; friendly T恤T-shirt 干农活do farm work 打电话call 们 中centre; in 少few; be short of 同same; be the same as ...
2. characterized by the development of humoral antibodies or cellular immunity, or both, following antigenic challenge. 3. produced in response to antigenic challenge, as immune serum globulin. immune response the reaction to and interaction with substances interpreted by the body as not-self, the ...
noun , plural im·mu·no·de·fi·cien·cies. impairment of the immune response, predisposing to infection and certain malignancies.Discover More Other Words From im mu·no·de·fi cient adjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of immunodeficiency1 First recorded in 1970–75; immun...
a friendly "if firm" response A is less likely to trigger immune response in B, but very likely in C. A laggardly response ...looked complacent a negative regulator of the immune response a <noncanonical> NRF2-driven transcriptional response ...
Define immune response gene. immune response gene synonyms, immune response gene pronunciation, immune response gene translation, English dictionary definition of immune response gene. n. A hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a