heraldic symbolism. heraldic pomp or ceremony: The coronation was marked by all the magnificence of heraldry. Discover More Other Words From her ald·istnoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofheraldry1 1350–1400; Middle English. Seeherald,-ry ...
annulet,roundel- (heraldry) a charge in the shape of a circle; "a hollow roundel" armorial bearing,heraldic bearing,bearing,charge- heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield blazon,blazonry,coat of arms,arms- the official symbols of a family, state, etc. ...
2.(Heraldry) the duties and pursuit of a herald 3.(Heraldry) armorial bearings, insignia, devices, etc 4.(Heraldry) heraldic symbols or symbolism 5.(Heraldry) the show and ceremony of heraldry ˈheraldistn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColl...
the official heraldic symbols of a family, state, etc, including a shield with distinctive devices, and often supports, a crest, or other insignia bear arms to carry weapons to serve in the armed forces to have a coat of arms in arms or under arms armed and prepared for war lay down...
the official heraldic symbols of a family, state, etc, including a shield with distinctive devices, and often supports, a crest, or other insignia bear arms⇒to carry weapons to serve in the armed forces to have a coat of arms in arms,under arms⇒armed and prepared for war ...
3.any conventional variation of the Christian symbol, used emblematically, decoratively, or heraldically, such as a Maltese, tau, or Greek cross 4.Christianity or Christendom, esp as contrasted with non-Christian religions 5.the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up ...
to portray heraldic arms on (a shield, one's notepaper, etc) to make bright or splendid, as with colours, flowers, etc to glorify, praise, or extol, often so as to attract great publicity emˈblazonmentn 'emblazon' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translat...
3.any conventional variation of the Christian symbol, used emblematically, decoratively, or heraldically, such as a Maltese, tau, or Greek cross 4.Christianity or Christendom, esp as contrasted with non-Christian religions 5.the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up ...
The official symbols of a family, state, etc.. Chinese synonyms: 盾徽, 纹盾, 纹章 Synonyms: arms, blazonry, coat of arms(动) As a verb Decorate with heraldic arms. Synonyms: emblazon New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Sear...
brown, brunatre (heraldic term for the colour brown) braun (German) brown braunäugig (German) brown-eyed Bräune aus der Flasche (German f.) fake suntan Bräune (German f.) quinsy, tan (suntan), suntan bräunen (German) to brown, to tan (in the sun) bräunend (German) ...