, A dictionary of Christian spirituality (pp. 134–135). London: SCM Press.WAKEFIELD, Gordon. (1983). A dictionary of Christian Spirituality. London, SCM Press.Wakefield. Gordon S., A Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, London: SCM, 1983. 侯特.《基督宗教靈修神學簡史》.香港:道風山基督教...
“The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is a remarkable balance of broad, integrative essays and more than 700 succinct, informative dictionary entries. It combines a wide survey of the great movements in Christian spirituality while giving attention to the main contributors from all parts of the ...
1.Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not material; supernatural:spiritual power. 2.Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul:spiritual guidance; spiritual growth. 3.Not concerned with material or worldly things:led a spiritual life. ...
Spiritualists' National Union spiritualities spiritualities spirituality spirituality Spirituality Health Inventory ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today! Advertisement. Bad banner? Pleaselet us knowRemove Ads...
the major Churches - spirituality and heresy - history of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation PATRISTIC SCHOLARSHIP: Fathers of the Church, on whose work later theology is founded, are covered in detail, for example - the Nag Hammadi papyri and their significance for our understanding of ...
orders, holy[Lat.ordo,=rank], in Christianity, the traditional degrees of the clergy, conferred by the Sacrament of Holy Order. The episcopacy, priesthood or presbyterate, and diaconate were in general use in Christian churches in the 2d cent. In the Roman Catholic tradition a development, be...
Even then, Eastern philosophical spirituality revolved around the balance of yin and yang, the two contrasting but all-encompassing principles of the Dao. People began to wonder what had gone wrong, what they had done to destroy the harmony of daily existence. The times might be compared to...
Many a poor Christian ... /.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter x the saints rest.htm Talking in Salesmanship ... have a pleasant speaking voice and an agreeable manner, a vocabulary of useful and appropriate words, and the ability to put things clearly and convincingly. ... /...
The Latin cross emoji depicts what is also known as the Christian cross, the most common symbol of Christian iconography. The Latin, or Christian cross, has an elongated vertical arm and a shorter horizontal arm. It’s used when someone wants to make a Christian religious reference.Where...
In Christian circles the rite has assumed the status of a sacrament, the supernatural rebirth into the Divine Kingdom. Various forms include sprinkling with water, immersion, or the laying on of hands. In some Christian circles it is considered less a mystical rite and more a sign of a ...