a Walt Disney cartoon a cartoon character A cartoon is really made using the old technique of photographing drawings or models; a film made with modern computer techniques (CGI) is usually called an animation, not a cartoon. However, some people might use the word cartoon for both kinds of ...
A cartoon about a depressed kid seeking psychiatric advice with no laugh track, lo-fi animation and a Bible passage seemed destined to fail. FromLos Angeles Times At a June meeting, he posed the question of whether it is possible for someone to register a cartoon cat to vote. ...
cartoon kɑːr'tuːn Main English Definition (名) As a noun A film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence. A humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine. ...
Chinese word "cartoon"(卡通) occurs in sets:Cinema and Theater 电影和戏剧 Diànyǐng hé xìjùArt and Music - 艺术,音乐 other words beginning with "C" carriage in Chinesecarrot in Chinesecarry in Chinesecase in Chinesecash in Chinesecashier in Chinese cartoon in other dictionaries cartoon in...
Third-personsingularsimplepresentindicativeformofcartoon. from the English-language Wiktionary Top Words by points Points cartoons 10 2 letter words with CARTOONS Points an 2 ar 2 as 2 at 2 na 2 no 2 on 2 or 2 os 2 so 2 ta 2
5.A ridiculously oversimplified or stereotypical representation:criticized the actor's portrayal of Jefferson as a historically inaccurate cartoon. v.car·tooned,car·toon·ing,car·toons v.tr. To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature. ...
Cartoonish definition: like a cartoon, esp in being one-dimensional, brightly coloured, or exaggerated. See examples of CARTOONISH used in a sentence.
cartoon•aneditorialcartoon•In 1989, Adamslaunchedhiscartoonwhile still working atPacBell.•Are you a bigfanofcartoons?•It's a long and drawn outaffair- oneminuteofcartooncan take weeks to build.•I produced theoriginalcartoonintempera; it wasentitledTreasureTroveandbasedon an AesopFable...
In the fine arts, the cartoon is a full-sized preliminary drawing for a work to be executed afterward in fresco, oil, mosaic, stained glass, or tapestry. Glass and mosaic are cut exactly according to the patterns taken from the cartoons, while in tapestry the cartoon is inserted beneath th...
cartoons Many of the cartoons used in this database were obtained from The Cartoon Bank, Dobbs Ferry, NY, which has a huge selection of cartoons on every subject (visit www.cartoonbank.com). All the cartoons are displayed under appropriate entries throughout this database, and all Cartoon ...