languages. However, there are several people who can understand just English or Arabic language and want to enhance their vocabulary. The English to Arabic or Arabic to English dictionary offers them great assistance in this regard as they can learn the meaning of difficult words without any ...
Fast, accurate, and relevant search results. Up to 30 results delivered quickly. English to Arabic and Arabic to English dictionary Online Welcome to the world’s fastest Arabic dictionary! This dictionary helps you to search quickly forArabic to English translation, orEnglish to Arabic translation...
At home or on the road: the Arabic-German dictionary is always available Langenscheidt has compiled its years of experience and linguistic knowledge to come up with the best Arabic online dictionary, no matter where you are. The dictionaries can be accessed on your PC, tablet or smartphone. It...
objectivity in the process, and the need to prevent changes to selection criteria during a procurement are central features of the Model Law designed to prevent the abusive manipulation of selection criteria, and the use of vague and broad criteria that could be used to favour certain suppliers ...
Define Arabic-language. Arabic-language synonyms, Arabic-language pronunciation, Arabic-language translation, English dictionary definition of Arabic-language. Noun 1. Arabic language - the Semitic language of the Arabs; spoken in a variety of dialects A
English Definition Arabic (language & writing) Simplified Script 阿拉伯文 Traditional Script Same Pinyin ālābó wén Effective Pinyin (After Tone Sandhi) Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo) ㄚㄌㄚㄅㄛˊ ㄨㄣˊ Cantonese (Jyutping) aa3laai1baak3 man4 Part of Speech (名) noun Topical Word Lists Part of...
- English To Arabic Dictionary has 87,000 words with sound. - Arabic to English Dictionary has 95,000 words with sound. - Offline voice for both Arabic and English. - Search the English word and it will display its Arabic translation. ...
Arabic - Urdu Urdu - Arabic Multi Language Dictionary FROM:EnglishUrduArabicHindi TO:UrduArabicHindi Arabic to Urdu Dictionary Languages are a key component of communication. There are roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today, Arabic is one of them. However, there are around 25 Ar...
English-Arabic Dictionary of Technology & Mobile Terms By Mohamed El-Awagy, Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously 0-9|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W||Y|Z...
Define Arabistan. Arabistan synonyms, Arabistan pronunciation, Arabistan translation, English dictionary definition of Arabistan. also A·ra·bi·an Peninsula A peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Politically, it include