独裁者赛局(dictator game)是「最后通牒赛局Ultimatum Game」的变异版本,有经济学家跟心理学家用它来证明人类天生倾向 … readforjoy.blogspot.com|基于126个网页 2. 独裁者游戏 独裁者游戏(Dictator game)是探讨利他与公平行为的常用研究范式。大量研究表明,独裁者游戏中的结果分配会受到社会距离、 … ...
在这种情况下,财叔会怎么做呢? 独裁者博弈 (Dictator Game) 读到这里你可能会发出由衷的感叹: 为什么要给这么简单的玩意儿起个这么唬人的名字?!严格来说,独裁者博弈甚至不能称得上是一个博弈。因为博弈一般是双方的事儿,然而在独裁者博弈中柱子完全就是一个摆设,根本没得选。但尽管如此,独裁者博弈的意义要比它的...
独裁者博弈(Dictator Games,简记为DG)[编辑]什么是独裁者博弈 对最后通牒博弈进行修改,取消响应者对提议者(分配者)所提要求的否决权,那么,这个分配者就可以被叫作“独裁者”。这种严格不平等条件下的谈判博弈被称为“独裁者博弈”。在这里,响应者没有拒绝的选择,主要是考察提议者(独裁者)如...
独裁者2(Dictator 2)是一款以军事战争为主题的策略模拟游戏,专为那些渴望权力与政治博弈快感的手机玩家打造。在这片虚拟的民主共和国土地上,您将扮演一位初出茅庐却手握大权的年轻统治者,面对一个充满野心与背叛的世界。在这个位置上,您不仅是法律的制定者,也是国家命运的舵手,每个人都觊觎着您那似乎无所不能的权...
The dictator game is an experimental paradigm in which one participant (the dictator) receives an endowment and then decides to what extent she/he wants to split this endowment with another, anonymous participant (the recipient). The action space of the dictator ranges from giving nothing to ...
DICTATOR GAME 出版社:BOOK ON DEMAND POD 页数:0 ISBN:9785510953398 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐
Dictator Game DDictator GameJohannes Leder and Astrid SchützDepartment of Psychology,University of Bamberg, Bamberg, GermanyDefinitionThe dictator game is an experimental paradigm inwhich one participant (the dictator) receives anendowment and then decides to what extentshe/hewantstosplitthisendowment...
The dictator game is a paradigm used in behavioral economics where an actor (sometimes labeled as donor) has the power to distribute a predetermined set of rewards among themselves and at least one recipient. Typically, the actor’s choices are identical but the recipient either receives an ident...
We take issue with this view, and instead argue that the Dictator Game is potentially a very useful tool for experimental game theory, if properly used. It is particularly useful for investigating social norms, but economists have failed to take advantage of the Dictator Game because they still...