Released in 2007, Kiwanis A+ allows you to manage your Kiwanis family in a simple, yet. The president of the Cook County Kiwanis Club, Will Michalski, a former vice president of the Cook County Bar Association, will. Kiwanis A+ allows you to manage your Kiwanis family in a simple, yet...
性别 男性 翻译语言 越南语, 日语 翻译种类 出席展位, 参观展会, 参观工厂, 护航舰, 一般商务会议, 高级商务会议, 并购谈判, 警察, 医生, 交替传译研讨会, MC, 同声传译(2人之1) JLPT水平 N1/1级 翻译经验年数 11.0 于翻译语言所在国家的居住时间 ...