Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation ( DICGC) is a subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India, established on 1961 under Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 (DICGC Act) for the purpose of providing insurance of deposits and guaranteeing of credit facilities. ...
Safe and Sound Banking: Deposit Insurance and Resolution in India - Developments, Issues and Policies (DICGC Act, 1961 to FRDI Bill 2016 and Beyond)Rath, Ganga NarayanPrajnān
Notice inviting application for the post of Internal Ombudsman on Contractual Basis Click Here to Apply Online Notice Inviting Application for Engagement as Apprentices under The Apprenticeship Act 1961 (As Amended from Time to Time) in UCO Bank List of Candidates Provisionally Selected as Customer Ser...
Digital Services Act 数字市场法案 条款与条件 我们如何运作 世界各地的办公室 联系我们 已选 新闻中心 就职机会Booking.com可持续发展项目成为合作酒店 for Business登录后台成为分销合作伙伴供应商行为准则其他问题查询 住宿预订需要帮助? 在线修改订单 您有...
Safe and Sound Banking: Deposit Insurance and Resolution in India - Developments, Issues and Policies (DICGC Act, 1961 to FRDI Bill 2016 and Beyond)Kaveri, V. S.Prajnān
Digital Services Act 数字市场法案 条款与条件 我们如何运作 世界各地的办公室 联系我们 已选 新闻中心 就职机会Booking.com可持续发展项目成为合作酒店 for Business登录后台成为分销合作伙伴供应商行为准则其他问题查询 住宿预订需要帮助? 在线修改订单 您有...