In cancer patients, the risk of bleeding depends not only on the platelet count, but also on the underlying disease, in accordance with coagulation defects. The cause of thrombocytopenia must be established prior to platelet transfusion since platelet transfusions may be relatively contraindicated in ...
1. Sakurai M, Satoh T, Matsumoto K, et al.: High pretreatment plasma d-dimer levels are associated with poor prognosis in patients with ovarian cancer independently of venous thromboembolism and tumor extension. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2015, 25:593-8. 2. Li W, ...
DIC can occur in patients with severe infections, trauma, or cancer. DIC可能发生在严重感染、创伤或癌症患者身上。 (中文翻译)DIC可能出现在严重感染、创伤或癌症患者中。 词根分析 DIC本身是一个缩写词,无法直接进行词根分析。但我们可以从它的全称Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation中拆解出一些词根: dis-:表...
A repeat use of doxorubicin (Dox), an anti-cancer drug, can cause heart failure in cancer patients. Dox-induced cardiac mitochondrial as well as ER damage due to oxidative and nitrosative stress (O/NS) has been widely studied. However, mechanism by which Dox exerts iNOS changes via ...
At Dicronis GmbH, we strive to enhance the quality-of-life of patients with our innovative technology. The first product in our pipeline, enables the quantitative assessment of the lymphatic function of the patient in a safe, home-based and highly scalable manner. ...
In cases of chronic—or slowly occurring—DIC, possible causes include: Cancer.Certain cancers produce clotting factors that enter your bloodstream and start the first stage of DIC. Aneurysms. Cavernous hemangiomas.These are collections of dilated blood cells. ...
TTP-HUS and DIC can usually be distinguished on the basis of their occurrence in different clinical settings (ie, trauma or sepsis for DIC and fever associated with thrombocytopenia and a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia for TTP-HUS). Patients with TTP-HUS do not demonstrate the laboratory abnor...
These tests are showing promise for detecting traces of tumor DN A in the blood of cancer patients. However, the results don't indicate where the tumor is. "Knowing the tumor's location is critical to effective early detection,"said Kun Zhang. a bioengineering professor and senior author of...
withDIC.Thosepatientsmaybetreatedearlyeventually. 【Keywords】Livercancer;Disseminatedinravascularcoagulation(DIC) 肝癌术后出现凝血功能障碍,特别是弥散性血管内凝血 (DIC)是导致外科危重患者死亡的重要原因之一。本文对 我科2002年以来236例肝癌手术患者进行回顾性分析,以 ...