DiazepamTricyclicPain ThresholdPain SensitivityThree men and one woman with depression, aged 26-61 years, were dependent on either lorazepam, diazepam or oxazepam. At admission they were receiving diazepam-equivalent doses of 15-30mg [ route and frequency not stated ], with concomitant stable ...
Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. diazepam - a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning Valium benzodiazepine - ...
37-44. 6. pandharipande pp, et al. effect of sedation with dexmedetornidine vs lorazepam on acute brain dysfunction in mechanically ventilated patients: the mends randomized controlled trial. lama 2007; 298: 2644-53. 7. riker rr, et a!. sedcom (safety and efficacy of dexmedetomidine ...
Diazepam is primarily metabolized via CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 to the major active metabolite (desmethyldiazepam), which is found inthe plasmaat concentrations equivalent to diazepam. Two minor active metabolites include temazepam and oxazaepam, which are usually not detectable. Is diazepam bad for your ki...
Individuals who were using therapeutic doses (approximately 15 mg diazepam or its equivalent daily) of a benzodiazepine persistently and wished to attempt to stop were recruited into a study offering a medically supported outpatient behavioral treatment with a goal of abstinence. All subjects received ...
Diazepam will accumulate in the bloodstream and hold a blood level for a number of hours, thus providing stability to the person who might experience severe discomfort and risk of seizure/s when their body isn't receiving alcohol regularly, which may be that person's usual situation. ...
Study was carried out after giving bioequivalent doses of respective drugs for either side. All the patients were assessed for quality of sleep, sedation, recall of visual stimuli, cooperation shown by patient and recovery postoperatively. ResultsThe study concluded that lorazepam showed more ...