Diavolo (ディアボロ, Diaboro) is the main antagonist of the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo, as well as the fourth main antagonist of the series overall. He is only known to most as the boss of Passione, which corrupts Naples by dealing drugs in the ...
Last Survivor Diavolo Doppio Gallery History Games Diavolo Japanese Name ディアボロ RomanizedName Diaboro Availability Update Reveal December 1, 2021 Release Date December 8, 2021 Gameplay Stand King Crimson Character Difficulty ★★★ Type Short-Range ...
D&D Wiki neither claims nor implies any rights to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure copyrights, trademarks, or logos, nor any owned by Hirohiko Araki. This site is for non profit use only. Furthermore, the following content is a derivative work that falls under, and the use of which is protected ...
JOJO A-GO!GO! Part 5: Vento Aureo Manga Anime Shadow/Disguise Revealed Covers Sketches Diavolo as a baby along with his mother "The Boss" first appears in the manga, shrouded and wearing a suit Upon hearing that he hada daughter, The Boss ordersPassioneto bring her to him ...
Devil is a 7-Star unit based on Diavolo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. He can be obtained via evolving Devil (Shadow). Devil can be evolved from Devil (Shadow) using: Show/Hide Evolution Stats Overview When activated, a cutscene shows a glit
Diavolo, also known as the Boss, is the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind, as well as the overarching antagonist of Part III: Stardust Crusaders. As the discoverer of the Stand Arrows, Diavolo is responsible for the prolifer