'Diavolo'是意大利语中一个具有多重含义的词汇,其核心意义与宗教、文化及日常表达密切相关。以下是关于该词的详细解析: 一、基础词义与词源 'Diavolo'对应英语中的'devil',中文直译为“魔鬼”或“恶魔”,源自拉丁语'diabolus'。在基督教文化中,它常指与上帝对立的邪恶化身,例如《圣...
Diavolo披萨的做法步骤 步骤1 面粉加水,酵母粉,小撮盐和橄榄油揉成光滑面团。取容器涂抹一层橄榄油,放入面团盖上保鲜膜发酵一个小时左右。 步骤2 发酵好的面团会变成原始大小的两倍,把面团分成两半分别放在披萨盘内。用擀面杖稍把气擀出,成一个面片,盖上保鲜膜再醒10分钟。 步骤3 面团醒好后慢慢把饼皮摁压成...
菅野祐悟 - diavolo
Diavolo (ディアボロ, Diaboro) is the main antagonist of the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo, as well as the fourth main antagonist of the series overall.
Rio Santana - DIAVOLO (Explicit)
1. 抢小鬼 桌游革命 - TaGaGe, 『大家Ge』桌上游戏资讯站 ... ) Agricola 农庄主 )Diavolo抢小鬼) Betrayal at House on the Hill 诡宅惊魂 ... www.tagage.com|基于35个网页 2. 狄阿波罗 ...JoJo奇妙冒险》第五部最大反派 基本信息★姓名:狄阿波罗(Diavolo) ★性别:男 ★身高:不明,变化 ★体重...
当DIO饮下世人的鲜血,DIAVOLO杀死自己的子嗣。神之子吟唱着镇魂曲与恶魔之女斩下「绯红」之龙的首级,「世界」就会彻底归于沉寂。 迪奥.布兰度俗称吊爷,是JOJO中最出名的反派,在荒木庄园食物链中排第二,被卡兹sama称为来自英国的法棍/西欧的大列巴。
Exchange Blows.When Diavolo takes damage from a hostile creature or as a bonus action, he makes a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a success, he can make 1 additional melee attack on each of their turns. He can only have up to 6 "Exchange Blows Stacks" at once. Using extra attacks...
Diavolo, also known as the Boss, is the main antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind, as well as the overarching antagonist of Part III: Stardust Crusaders. As the discoverer of the Stand Arrows, Diavolo is responsible for the prolifer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSo24jxXmyw&t=12sSong: Little dark ageAnime/Manga: JoJo No Kimyou Na Bouken支持原作者!, 视频播放量 351、弹幕量 0、点赞数 30、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 8、转发人数 0, 视频作者 迪歪D_WHY, 作者简介 一枚拥有奇妙点子的鬼畜和游戏u