他在《The Dairy of a CEO》大獲成功後,在 2021 年忽然有個大膽的想法,他想做一個 Podcast 的製作和行銷公司。 他想要找各個領域最強的主持人來開節目,然後用他現有的製作和行銷團隊來經營。 他在那當年也曾經揭露,他光業配就可以賺一百二十萬美金,他覺得複製這樣的成功可能是個好生意。 於是他成立一個五人...
You’ll have a succession in bloom with “Flora Norton” (pastel blue), “Lord Nelson” (deep blue), “Mrs. Collier” (creamy-white), “Lady Grisel Hamilton” (pastel lavender) and “Captain of the Blues” (mauve-blue). This lovely perfumed mix blooms on strong climbing vines that easi...
You can scroll through them and create new ones with a click of a button. The styling is provided in this tutorial, so you can focus on the Django part of the code. Here’s a quick demo video of how it will look in action:
He tells me to enjoy the summer, what’s left of it, because they’re going to shut us down for the Delta Variant in the fall, and goddammit, no, I refuse—your life is not worth it and neither is mine—there are too many of us human cockroaches around and you know what, if h...
We’ll end with a podcast. Violinist Julian Maddox is featured in “Pulling Back the Curtain on Diversity,” the latest episode of the Canton Symphony’sOrchestrating Changeseries. Maddox shares his experience as a young musician of color in the world of orchestra, and discusses “what it real...
a brutal cinematic execution, which rewards each Grey Knight with an additional action point to continue purging the forces of Chaos and seize control of the battle. At range, players can actively see the damage they could do t...
for me. The photo above, and the gallery below, are all shots taken with a wide-angle lens (in this case a Sigma 10-20mm on a Nikon D3). None of those shots would have been possible on any current iPhone. Adding a wide-angle lens would make the iPhone a much more versatile ...