Add to that – we have one of the steamiest and most passionately descriptive YA book that i’ve read in a while – so well done to this author in balancing the YA bits, the romance, and the excitement of a drama. I’m so deep into this story – so invested that I now HAVE to...
He tells me to enjoy the summer, what’s left of it, because they’re going to shut us down for the Delta Variant in the fall, and goddammit, no, I refuse—your life is not worth it and neither is mine—there are too many of us human cockroaches around and you know what, if h...
This book, my book, will be more “A Million Little Pieces” than “Truth and Beauty.” Mary Karr would not approve of how fast and free I was with my words. Any memories of what happened those forty-odd years ago were more flashes than fully formed scenes. That time of my life fel...
So let’s just start with the overview of this story – granted i know that they write things to lure you in, but what you get in the first handful of chapters jive with this but the whole story isn’t necessarily based on it all. I was expecting a bit more drama in a few places...
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Saturday, October 5, 2024 My first of 16 trips to Bangladesh Xmas 2007-this interview was a great gift- it helped friends see the deepest entreprenurial revolutio9n of going mobile; 2 years later in stanford the idea of mobil...
The Social Go-Around. Tuesday night.Gayfryd Steinberghosted a book party for her husbandMichael Shnayersonat their East Side townhouse. The book: “BOOM; Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary Art.” Click to orderBoom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary ...
I've written on Alice Walker's Garden for many years, sharing my writings, thoughts, what I'm reading, and significant events in and around my life. Take a look around, sign up (possibly coming soon!) to get my latest entries, and most of all, explore. My About Page Biography. ...