Steven Bartlett 在《The Diary of a CEO》舉了一個例子: 他剛成立Social Chain的時候,砸了大筆錢裝潢辦公室,其中包括一個要價一萬三千英鎊的藍色巨型溜滑梯。 雖然他們上班的時候根本沒人會使用,但所有主流媒體包括 BBC、Buzzfeed 來採訪一定會拍。 VICE 在製作他們的紀錄片時,花了大半時間從不同角度拍攝這個...
Telly: Diary of a Cabinet Hopeful ...; the Alan Clarke Diaries (BBC2,10pm)TOP British actor John Hurt is on fine form as the outspoken Conservative MP Alan Clark in this political drama. John,of course,has his pick of both small and big screen roles, so why did he choose this one...
今天的绘本名字叫做《Diary of A Worm》蚯蚓的日记。这是一只小蚯蚓的日记,记录了它的成长历程。绘本运用第一人称的语言,铜鼓蚯蚓的自述,让孩子了解蚯蚓的生活习性,也是一个寓教于乐的科普机会。 · 正· 文· 来· 啦· My report card. 我的成绩单...
in order to attack from both the east and south-west. There was fierce fighting at river crossing points and two dangerous sorties by the Royalists against the eastern Parliamentary force were beaten back. Following the storming of a majorredoubtto the east of the city, the Parliamentarians ...
内容提示: 101DIARY OF AN INTERESTING YEARby Helen Simpson12th February 2040My thirtieth birthday. G gave me this little spiral-backed note-book and a biro. It’s a good present, hardly any rust on the spiral and no water damage to the paper. I’m going to start a diary. I’ll keep...
important bills that were part of the government's agenda. The annual Budget is still considered a matter of confidence. When a government has lost the confidence of the House of Commons, the prime minister is expected either to resign, making way for another MP who can command confidence, ...
Giant: George Stevens, a Life on Film About Mrs. Leslie, 185 Act of Violence (Zinnemann), 149 Adams, Nick, 215 Adler, Buddy, 240, 281 Address Unknown (Taylor), 63 Aherne, Brian, 65 Alcazar Theatre (San Francisco), 8 Alexander, Shana, 287 Alice Adams (GS), 3, 4, 21–22, 32–...
摘要: Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war : kept by Richard Symonds : now first published from the original ms. in the British Museum edited by Charles Edward Long (Camden Society old series, Series no. 1, 74) Johnson Reprint, 1968...
A few years ago the children’s word of the year in the UK was anxiety. This year it’s kindness. Quote of the month Posted onJanuary 22, 2025 Reply “No mind is empty that considers the sea”. (damned if I can find the source...