Dehydration may be caused by restricted water intake, excessive water loss, or both. The most common cause of dehydration is failure to drink liquids. The deprivation of water is far more serious than the deprivation of food. The average person loses approximately 2.5 percent of total body water...
This looseness of the stool--which can vary from slightly soft to watery--is caused by increased water in the stool. During normal digestion, food is kept liquid by the secretion of large amounts of water by the stomach, upper small intestine, pancreas, and gallbladder. Food that is not...
LactuloseLactuloseA synthetic disaccharide used in the treatment of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. It has also been used in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders.Laxatives Xylitol MalabsorptionMalabsorptionGeneral term for a group of malnutrition syndromes caused by failure of normal intestinal ...
The diarrhea was improved within three days in 92% of patients who stopped other laxatives. Conclusions: The early administration of naldemedine is beneficial because it reduces adverse events including diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by naldemedine can be effectively managed by stopping other laxatives ...
Acute diarrhea is most often caused by viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. You can get an infection from contact with someone else who has it or by consuming contaminated food or water. If you eat something that was improperly cooked or contaminated after cooking, the infection is often...
In addition, carbohydrate malabsorption, such as that caused by ingestion of lactose in a patient with lactase deficiency, and ingestion of poorly absorbable sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, can lead to an osmotic diarrhea. Measuring stool pH can help to distinguish between osmotic diarrheas due ...
The following are examples of diarrhea caused by bacterial infections: In more serious cases, the stool may contain mucus, pus, or blood. Most of these infections are associated with local outbreaks of disease. Family members or others eating the same food may have similar illnesses. ...
Eluxadolineandrifaximinare other medications that may be given to some people who have diarrhea caused by IBS. Over-the-counter medications include adsorbents (for example, kaolin-pectin), which adhere to chemicals, toxins, and infectious organisms. Some adsorbents also help firm up the stool. Bism...
Most cases of acute diarrhea are infectious in nature and occurs as a result of intense inflammation of the stomach and intestines – gastroenteritis. It is more frequently caused by viruses and is therefore often referred to as a ‘stomach flu‘. It is short-lived and passes spontaneously afte...
Secretory diarrhea has two important distinguishing features; first, fecal osmolality can be accounted for by sodium, potassium, and their accompanying anions, and thus the osmotic gap is small; and second, the diarrhea usually persists despite fasting because the diarrhea is caused by abnormalities ...