(2007). Faktor risiko diare pada bayi dan balita di Indonesia: systematic review penelitian akademik bidang kesehatan masyarakat. Http://repository.ui.ac.id/contents/koleksi/2/f099979f9dad58879019cd02955638 1fb6730c5d.pdf. Diperoleh tanggal 10 Juni 2010....
PEMBERIAN KOLOSTRUM TERHADAP KEJADIAN DIARE PADA BAYI USIA 0 – 6 BULANThe wrong behavior about colostrums such as wasted the yellow breast feed until the white breast feed was shown, because they have afraid their babies have diarrhea, making the babies became weak to get the diarrhea. The ...
The writen expected to medical employed at Publik Healt Centre to know the influences of the way of given formulation milk to baby with diarheadoi:10.30867/action.v1i2.13Iskandar IskandarMaulidar Maulidar