Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare pada Anak Balita (Analisis Lanjut Data SDKI 1994). Dalam : Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan; Vol 24: pp.77-96.Irianto, J. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare pada Anak Balita (Analisis Lanjut Data SDKI 1994). Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan...
Candida spp were isolated from 18 out of 38 (47,4 %) children under five years with acute diarrhoea and from 10 out of35 (28,6%) children under five years without diarrhoea. Statistical tests showed no difference between the presence of Candida species and the occurence of diarrhoea of the...
Hubungan pengetahuan dan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat ibu dengan kejadian diare pada anak usia 1-4 tahun di Puskesmas Siantan Hilir tahun 2013. Jurnal Publikasi Mahasiswa PSPD FK UNTAN. 2013. Vol 3 (1)... ED Sirait 被引量: 2发表: 2013年 HUBUNGAN ANTARA POLA KONSUMSI ZINK DENGAN KEJADI...
DETEKSI Blastocystis Spp PADA TINJA ANAK PENDERITA DIARE DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE COPRO ELISA 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者:WP Ni,JBB Bernadus,AMH Sorisi 摘要: Diarrhea is one of the main cause of infant mortality in developing countries. Blastocystis spp can cause acute infection ...
Kesepakatan inter observer pada tatalaksana diare akut anak di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan 来自 etd.ugm.ac.id 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者:MISKIAH,Miskiah 摘要: Backgraound. Diarrhea is a significant disease which causes morbidity and mortality in developing countries. It affeks children youngger than ...
HUBUNGAN SANITASI, RIWAYAT KELAHIRAN, DAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN KEJADIAN DIARE PADA ANAK BALITA DI ZAMBIA, AFRIKA SELATANdoi:10.20473/mgi.v17i1SP.153-160Sub-Saharan countries are known to have inadequate supplies of clean water and sanitation, thus increasing the risk ...
Hubungan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif dan Asi Non Eksklusif Terhadap Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia 0-24 Bulandoi:10.36418/cerdika.v2i10.456The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is still quite low, which is only 37.3%, followed by 9.3% partial breastfeeding and...
AnakDiareRotavirusVaksinasiDiarrhea constantly becomes an issue of health because of its high mortality and morbidity. Rotavirus infection is known as the predominant cause of acute diarrhea with severe dehydration and hospitalized diarrhea among children less than five years of age. Therefore, rotavirus...
HUBUNGAN POLA PEMBERIAN ASI DENGAN FREKUENSI KEJADIAN DIARE DAN ISPA PADA ANAKBreastfeeding is food and beverages that foremost for babies. Foods addition besides breastfeeding at earlier ages can increase morbidity. Children who drink ASI rarely get diarrhea than those who drink formula milk. This ...
Perbandingan Kadar Seng Plasma pada Diare Akut Gizi Baik dan Gizi Kurang Anak Usia 6 bulan-2 tahunHospital based data on mortality rate from communicable diseases is a reflection of what is obtainable in a community at large. Therefore; data obtained from such review is usually beneficial in ...