I got to substitute teach the 5-year-olds in Primary today. It was great. I love to teach. I love to bear testimony. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I’m grateful for the Holy Ghost that makes the message more powerful than the teacher or the delivery. The Spirit has been...
” or “I’m mad at ___, so don’t talk to her.” Peers may pressure a child to ride their bikes too far from home or play with a gun. They may think it is funny to cut people out of the group or make fun of someone for any number of reasons. (1) Positive...
As I sat warming the wooden bench at church camp, the Gospel message was sprinkled around the room. I counted the cost that sticky night as a 10-year-old girl. I had other plans that would interfere with waving the white flag for Jesus sake. “Not now,” I breathed in my young igno...