We developed a DNA marker, qD1Flw1-sc43-4, that was located close to the detected QTL for flowering time. We could distinguish the flowering time and categorize the genotypes of an F1 population derived from a cross between late flowering 'Light Pink Barbara' and early flowering 'Kaneainou...
September 17 planting resulted in improvement of all the attributes including increased plant height (63.54cm), plant spread (33.32cm), stem length (56.30cm), earliest flowering (71.15days), duration of flowering (41.98days), number of flowers per stem (central and side; 109.42 and 27.58), ...
SPARNAAIJ, L.D.; DEMMINK, J.F.; KOEHORST-VAN, PUTTEN, H.J.J. Variation between genotypes of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus cultivars and interespecific hybrids) in time of flowering and response to long days. I. Variation in yield distribution. Euphytica, v.50, p.35-42, 1990....
SPARNAAIJ, L.D.; DEMMINK, J.F.; KOEHORST-VAN, PUTTEN, H.J.J. Variation between genotypes of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus cultivars and interespecific hybrids) in time of flowering and response to long days. I. Variation in yield distribution. Euphytica, v.50, p.35-42, 1990....