master python-oop/ / Jump to Go to file 28 lines (23 sloc) 586 Bytes Raw Blame # Diamond-shaped problem with inheritance # A # / \ # B C # \ / # D # Case 1 - method will not be overridden in class B and class C # Case 2 - method will be overridden in ...
In the above example we have implemented multiple inheritance in java with the help of interfaces. We have overridden the sum method in a class that implements the interface to solve the diamond problem. The compiler will know that we have overridden this method when we override the sum method...
The ORM should probably mimic python in resolving this problem. This may be the underlying problem in #13781 as well. As Russellm points out, multiple inheritance support is claimed, but not necessarily thought through completely, yet.comment:13 by Shaun Cutts, 15年 ago Note that this ...
Ten en cuenta que el siguiente bloque de código está escrito en Python 3, las versiones anteriores utilizan una sintaxis ligeramente diferente. Además, se ha omitido la salida, ya que es idéntica al primer bloque de código. class Parent: def __init__(self): self.parent_attribute =...