diamond necklace of enormous value and that she had chosen him as her confidential agent. When Rohan obtained the necklace from the jewelers, he turned it over to the comtesse; her husband took it to London, where it was broken up for sale. The affair became public after Rohan failed to ...
Most historians concur that Marie Antoinette played little or no part in the ‘diamond necklace affair’. There was no evidence she had communicated with or even heard of Jeanne de la Motte. If anything, both Louis XVI and Antoinette had acted with caution and responsibility by refusing to buy...
The Diamond Necklace Affair, 1785-1786Diamond, TheAffair, Necklace
将“Affair of the Diamond Necklace"翻译成匈牙利文 A francia királyné nyakéke是将“Affair of the Diamond Necklace"翻译成 匈牙利文。 译文示例:Scandal of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, orchestrated by Cagliostro. ↔ Kitör a Királyné Nyaklánca körüli, Cagliostro által ...
Diamonds are a Gaul's Best Friend: The Affair of the Diamond Necklace Podcast Episode 2024 YOUR RATING RateCrime Add a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit ...
而在这样一个的时代,却发生了这样一起针对王后及红衣主教的诈骗案,间接加速了法国王朝的动荡. 主要参考资料:大仲马:王后的项链维基百科:Affair of the Diamond Necklace 项链事件让娜等人回忆录事件庭审记录一位美国网友的研究,没找到他的名字#法国#时尚#法式#法式穿搭#王室...
203–211; Robert Darnton, ‘The Forbidden Books’ and Rory Browne, ‘The Diamond Necklace Affair Revisited: The Rohan Family and Court Politics’, Renaissance and Modern Studies , 33 (1989), 21–39 — which focuses upon the unfortunate Cardinal’s role. This scandal was rehashed for the ...
the Diamond Necklace AffairhereLiterary Review
YouTube - Marie Antoinette - The Affair of the Diamond Necklace, Wellington, New ZealandDorfman, Eric
How to Ruin a Queen: Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace AffairHow to Ruin a Queen: Marie Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace Affair. By Jonathan Beckman...doi:10.1111/hisn.12468Watts, SydneyPhi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society, Inc.Historian...