Error compiling a C# Windows Forms applicaiton with mono on Raspberry Pi I am trying to compile my C# application to the Raspberry Pi (running Debian). I have successfully installed mono on the Pi, compiled, and run a basic hello world application. I am now running the fol... ...
Lattice Di..Lattice Diamond综合时,遇到提示Done:error code 9,大神帮忙解答一下,多谢!上面提示ERROR - NF100 |Can't open input file D:
Diamond:Synthesis exit by 9 解决Lattice Diamond Version出现的Synthesis exit by 9. Done: error code 9 问题. 下载后双击运行,关机,重启。 lattice fpga diamond2018-08-31 上传大小:154.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 PNU_3991_AR PNU_3991_AR :waving_hand: 伊朗Payame Noor大学北德黑兰分校在...
求各路大佬 路过帮小弟看下这个bug 使用lattice 出现这个bug 但是modelsim仿真能通过,用synplify pro仿真 则需要很长很长时间才能通过,已经卡在这好几天了,之前是编译通过的,各路大佬有没有遇到过这个问题,编译后他也没有显示错误
log.error("Diamond-0001", LoggerHelper.getErrorCodeStr("Diamond", "Diamond-0001", "环境问题",e.toString())); log.error(ADDRESS_SERVER_URL, "DIAMOND-XXXX", "[check-serverlist] exception. msg={}", e.toString(), e); return null; } } 5.2.2 同步获取配置 Diamond将从三个地方获取配置信...
ApplicationRoleError ApplicationRoleWarning ApplicationRoot ApplicationWarning ApplyCodeChanges ApplyStyle ArchitectureExplorer ArcPie ArcRing ArcSegment AreaChart ArrangeSelection ArrangeShapes ArtboardSplit ASerif ASMFile ASPFile ASPGenericHandlerFile ASPRazorFile ASPWebApplication ASPWebSite Сборка Assembly...
[root@Allentuns diamond]# = localhost 3、启动diamond服务 chmod +x /etc/init.d/diamond /etc/init.d/diamond start chkconfig diamond...#需要手动停止diamond服务 [root@Allentuns httpcode]# /etc/init.d/diamond stop Stopping diamond: ...来搜集,则无需此选项,因为diamond有针对类的...
Error Code: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED Technical details : The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Session ID: 2025-01-20:d2f71be9d127211c9bb6f330 Player Element ID: brightcove_video_401_6277091647001 OK Close Mo...
Angstroem symbol has code 197. (So I can simply enter it with key combination AltGr + 0,1,9,7). This works fine on English, German, French etc. computers - but in other countries the character code 197 is probably coded for a different (e.g. Kanji) character or - even worse - ...
Created by the same artisans who bring spectacular pieces of high jewellery to life, our diamond engagement rings are individually handcrafted to cradle the unique diamond at their heart. Discover by Diamond Shape Round Emerald Pear Oval Heart ...