The Diameter symbol Alt code is 0216. The below table contains more information you need to know about this symbol including shortcuts for both Windows and Mac. Name Diameter Symbol Symbol Ø Alt Code 0216 Windows Shortcut Alt+0216 Mac Shortcut Option + Shift + O To get the Diameter ...
If you want to easily insert the diameter symbol (Ø) in Excel: double click in the cell that will contain the symbol. Press and hold the Alt key, and using the numeric keypad, type the symbol’s Alt code which is 0216. This won’t work if you use the number keys at the top o...
Now, to replace any word with the “Diameter” symbol, enter that word within the “Replace” input bar and the “Diameter” symbol using “Alt +227” keys within the “With” input bar. Once done, click OK to save it. As we have used the word “Dia” to replace it with “Diamete...
直径符号为:Φ。读音:fài,表示一个圆的直径的方法是:希腊字母 Φ(PHi,读fài)加表示这个圆的字母。如ΦO,ΦA,后面连接=,如ΦA=30mm。在制图、工程术语中可以直接用Φ加数字表示直径,例如:Φ30。方法一:Alt+0248,按住Alt键不放,在小键盘上依次输入0248,即可找到直径符号Φ;;方法二:Alt+0216,按住Alt键不...
Method 2 – Type the Diameter Symbol in Excel Using the Alt Code Steps: Select cellC5. Turn on theNum Lockkey on the keyboard. Type0216from the keyboard while holding theAltkey. It will not work if you use the number keys at the top of the keyboard. ...
Method 2 – Type the Diameter Symbol in Excel Using the Alt Code Steps: Select cellC5. Turn on theNum Lockkey on the keyboard. Type0216from the keyboard while holding theAltkey. It will not work if you use the number keys at the top of the keyboard. ...
This will insert one diameter symbol in the cell. You can also use the shortcut ALT + N + U to open the Symbol dialog box. Pro Tip: If you don’t want to spend time locating the diameter symbol, enter 00D8 in the Character code field in the Symbol dialog box. This will instantly...