非常牛的一道分类讨论题。 首先,任何一个图的直径最少是00(当且仅当n=1n=1时成立),因此有k−1>0⇒k>1k−1>0⇒k>1。因此只要k⩽1k⩽1,就一定不能构造出满足题目要求的图,排除掉这一类。 排除掉这一类,我们再来看n=1n=1时的情况,此时,由于图不存在重边和自环,因此必须要满足m=0m=0。所...
网络释义 1. 图的直径 ... Theory 主编金方蓉 [20, 22]. “图的直径(diameter of a graph)”也写成了“网络 的最小传输延迟(minimum transmission delay of a... www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页
题目链接:hdu 1706 The diameter of graph 题意: 给你一个图,定义图的直径为所有两点距离最短路中的最长的那条。 问图的直径为多长,有多少条。 题解: 将folyd改一改,加一个计数的数组就行了,然后就是注意重边的处理。 View Code
Diameter of a graphGabor Csardi
The Steiner distance of a graph, introduced by Chartrand, Oellermann, Tian and Zou in 1989, is a natural generalization of the concept of classical graph distance. For a connected graph $G$ of order at least $2$ and $S\\\subseteq V(G)$, the \\\emph{Steiner distance} $d(S)$ amon...
The Steiner distance of a graph, introduced by Chartrand in 1989, is a natural generalization of the concept of classical graph distance. For a connected graph G of order at least 2 and , the Steiner distance among the vertices of S is the minimum size among all connected subgraphs whose ...
Liam Roditty and Virginia Vassilevska Williams. Approximating the diameter of a graph. arXiv, (822), 2014.L. Roditty and V. Williams. Approximating the diameter of a graph. CoRR, abs/1207.3622, 2012.Roditty, L. and V. V. Williams, Approximating the diameter of a graph, Preprint on ...
Hi All. Is there anyLINEARalgorithm to find the diameter of a graph, which have only one cycle(N vertexes, N paths)? of sizes, find the largest value ofmin(|i - j|, s - |i - j|) + j, for anyi, j, such thatj. ...
graph or digraph is the maxim um, o v er all v ertex pairs (u; v ), of the distan e from u to v . A digraph is str ong if its diameter is w ell-de�ned; that is, ea h v ertex is rea hable from ev ery other. Our mo del of \graph" has no lo ops or m ultipl...
Oriented diameter of graphs with diameter 3 来自 百度文库 喜欢 0 阅读量: 147 作者:PK Kwok,L Qi,DB West 摘要: In 1978, Chvátal and Thomassen proved that every 2-edge-connected graph with diameter 2 has an orientation with diameter at most 6. They also gave general bounds on the ...