PrimeNG 文档中没有提到将自定义模板添加到 DynamicDialog 标头的官方方法。当我们打开 DynamicDialog 时,我们只附加对话框的主体,而不附加页眉/页脚。 您可以在打开 DynamicDialog 时为其添加动态标题。希望这会有所帮助。 const ref =, { data:, header: this....
import {DialogService, DynamicDialogRef} from "primeng/dynamicdialog"; import {PublishedAnnouncementsPopupComponent} from "../published-announcements-popup/published-announcements-popup.component"; import { PublishedAnnouncementsPopupComponent } from "../published-announcements-popup/published-announcements-popup...
export class DialogDemo implements OnInit{ constructor(private dialog: DialogService) {} ngOnInit(){ this.dialog.confirm( { message:'确定要删除吗?', header:'warning', okVisible:true, offVisible:true, okButton:'blue', offButton:'green', okLabel:``, key:"1", offLabel: ``, accept:()...
import { Footer } from './footer'; import { Header } from './header'; import { Content } from './content'; import { MaximizeIcon } from './maximizeicon';, { ... templates: { footer: Footer, header: Header, content: Content, maximizeicon: Maximize...
{selector:'app-root',templateUrl:'./app.component.html',styles:[],providers:[ConfirmationService]})exportclassAppComponent{constructor(privateconfirmationService:ConfirmationService,privateprimengConfig:PrimeNGConfig){}GetConfirm(){this.confirmationService.confirm({message:'Angular PrimeNG ConfirmDialog ...
当然,ComfirmationService 包含在模块的提供者部分中,而 ComfirmDialogModule 则导入到模块的导入部分中。showConfirmDialog() 调用一次。 我错过了什么? 先感谢您 Fla*_*ken7 如果您没有提供任何密钥,您也可以ConfirmationService只为您的组件提供 来解决此问题 ...
tslint.json 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # How to Use PrimeNG Issue Template is an Angular CLI project used to provide a sample test case to demonstrate a defect to help PrimeNG Team. ## Development server Run `ng serve` for a dev server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The...
当然,ComfirmationService 包含在模块的提供者部分中,而 ComfirmDialogModule 则导入到模块的导入部分中。showConfirmDialog() 调用一次。 我错过了什么? 先感谢您 dialogdisplayprimengangular Las*_*zlo lucky-day 4 推荐指数 1 解决办法 4560 查看次数
在PrimeNG文档中没有提到在DynamicDialog头中添加自定义模板的官方方法。当我们打开一个DynamicDialog时,我们只附加了对话框的主体,而不是页眉/页脚。 您可以在打开DynamicDialog时向其添加动态字幕。希望这能有所帮助。 代码语言:javascript 复制 const ref =, { data: this....
Change style of time picker in primeng calendar I'm trying to remove the padding and set the font style to smaller in the time-picker used in primeng calendar for angular 7. but it's not applying. this is the rendered html class for that box I trie... ...