If aa showModalDialog method is called in a main page that is not modal in a WebBrowser control, the dialogArguments property is empty in the first modal window. Additionally, the return value of the showModalDialog() function...
You can add event to the class implementing thedialog boxusing the Properties window. 可以使用“属性”窗口向实现对话框的类添加事件. 期刊摘选 Click OK to return to the System Propertiesdialog boxand then click OK again. 点击“确定”按钮返回“系统特性”对话框,接着再点击“应用”和“确定”按钮....
dialog box 对话框 | 对话方块 | 对话窗口 File Dialog 档案对话框 dialog window 指定窗口为对话框 | 指定窗口为对话框边框 | 对话框 | 对话窗口 modal dialog 模式对话框 | 模态对话框 | 模态窗口 | 模态会话框 Parameter Wiring Dialog 参数绑定对话框 | 参数化线框对话框 | 参量绑定会话框 Dialog...
A dialog box is a temporary window an application creates to retrieve user input. An application typically uses dialog boxes to prompt the user for additional information for menu items. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls (child windows) with which the user enters text, chooses...
When a WPF window is closed, it can't be reopened. Custom dialog boxes are WPF windows and the same rule applies. To learn how to close a window, seeHow to close a window or dialog box. Implementing a dialog box When designing a dialog box, follow these suggestions to create a good...
This dialog box enables you to display, close, and arrange documents that are open in editors and designers. You can display this dialog box by clickingWindowson theWindowmenu. Options Name Displays the names of document and tool windows, with the item currently active selected. ...
When using SAVE to save a file, the file path and information appear in the command bar instead of getting the Save window dialog box. This also occurs with other dialog windows in AutoCAD. When using SAVEAS command to save the file with a new name, the ...
When using 3ds Max a dialog box or application window no longer shows up when selected. Some windows that can be affected by this issue are: Render Setup Material Editor Parametric float boxes Additionally, the window may appear to be 'open' when checkin
This dialog box allows you to display, close, and arrange documents that are open in editors and designers. You can display this dialog box by choosing Windows from the Window menu.Name Displays the names of document and tool windows, with the item currently active selected. Path Displays the...
Can you rearrange things on the window or dialog to expand horizontally? 是否可以重新安排窗口或对话框中的内容,在水平方向扩展一些? 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓 6. A properties dialog box generally controls the current selection. 一般来说,属性对话框控制当前的选择. 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓 7....