UnsizedButton <mso:button>构造函数 展开表 DialogBoxLauncher() 初始化 DialogBoxLauncher 类的新实例。 DialogBoxLauncher(IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement>) 使用指定的子元素初始化 DialogBoxLauncher 类的新实例。 DialogBoxLauncher(OpenXmlElement[]) 使用指定的子元素初始化 DialogBoxLauncher 类的...
the dialog box launcher is a small icon or button that appears in the bottom right corner of certain groups or sections within software applications, specifically in programs like microsoft office. when you click on the dialog box launcher, it opens a dialog box or a separate window that ...
网络释义 1. 对话框启动器 EXCEL在管理中的高级... ... 智能图表( Smart Art)对话框启动器(Dialog Box Launcher) 快速访问工具栏( Quick Access … www.cnbm.net.cn|基于15个网页 2. 对话方块启动器 快速启动工具列 English, 翻译,... ... 动作列 Action Bar对话方块启动器Dialog Box Launcher浮动工具列...
DialogBoxLauncher.UnsizedButton PropertyReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office.CustomUI Assembly: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll Package: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 UnsizedButton. Represents the following element tag in the schema: mso:button. C# Copy public Doc...
1、本节课讲解10-31、dialogBoxLauncher元素(对话框启动器),本节课中用到的素材,会放置在素材包内,请各位学员点击右侧黄色按钮自行下载安装。 2、打开excel软件,在每一个功能表的下方有一个三角形可以进行设置编辑,如图所示。 3、我们在表格中,有三种方式可以实现【dialogBoxLauncher】这里为同学们一一进行介绍,如...
For example, consider a dialog box launcher control, as follows: Figure 7: A dialog box launcher control This is specified using the following XML fragment: <group id="customGroup" label="Custom Group"> <dialogBoxLauncher> <button id="button" screentip="Dialog Box Launcher" /> </di...
This button brings up a dialog box with further, less commonly used, options 该按钮会显示其它的, 很少使用的选项 。 KDE40.1 The unsafe device removal dialog was removed. 移除不安全设备对话框被删除。 WikiMatrix Opens the print dialog to print the current document 打开打印对话框来打印...
RibbonButtonType RibbonCheckBox RibbonCollectionBase RibbonComboBox RibbonComponent RibbonControl RibbonControlEventArgs RibbonControlEventHandler RibbonControlId RibbonControlIdType RibbonDialogLauncher RibbonDropDown RibbonDropDownItem RibbonEditBox RibbonFactory ...
*@paramtitle*/privatevoidsetButton(String title) { builder.setTitle(title).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setPositiveButton("好",newpositiveListener()) .setNeutralButton("中",newNeutralListener()) .setNegativeButton("差",newNegativeListener());//.setCancelable(false);//设置点击空白处,不能消...