症状:如果通过双击一个文档(例如,在 Microsoft Windows 资源管理器中)来在 Microsoft Office Word 2003 中打开该文档,则会收到下面的错误信息:The command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open.Click "OK" and then close open dialog boxes to continue.在 Microsoft Word 2002 中...
Open Dialog Box Lets you open an existing file or create a new file. Previously opened projects appear at the bottom of the File menu. Corresponds to the GETFILE( ) function. You can open a previously opened project by choosing its name from the bottom of the File menu. NoteFiles created...
This option is available when you choose Form, Label, or Report from the List Files of Type list and is checked by default. To open a form, label, or report without opening an associated environment, clear the check box. Open exclusive ...
The Open dialog box handles only matching a name to a file. It is your application's responsibility to ensure that the format of the file is valid, and if not, to appropriately notify the user. Save As Dialog Box The Save As dialog box, as shown in Figure 9.8, is designed to save ...
To do so, select the program "HTML/XML Editor with Encoding" and choose Open to display the Encoding Dialog Box. Open Choose Open to open the document in the selected editor. **Caution **Before opening a project or component in Visual Studio, determine the trustworthiness of its code. The...
This example shows how to open a dialog box. Example A dialog box is a window that is opened by instantiating Window and calling the ShowDialog method. ShowDialog opens a window and doesn't return until the new dialog box has been closed. This type of window is also known as a modal wi...
Use this dialog box to open projects or templates. You can search, identify, and select any number of projects to open. If you specify a portfolio, EPS node, or project code to open, every project you have access to in this group will open. This dialog box is also used to open pro...
My dialogue box opens on the wrong screen or behind the open window or I have no idea where it is. The problem is that all options there-after are greyed out on photoshop - until I can locate the diolgue box as the software is waiting for a command. Each acti...
The best way to open or close your dialog box is to use JavaScript. The HTML dialog element uses three JavaScript methods to control the dialog: .show()opens a non-modal dialog box. This allows users to interact with other elements on the page even while...
Create a Multiline Input Box Create a New-LocalUser - Problems. Create a Registry MultiString type Create a Schedule Task that deletes itself and runs without me logged on. Create Active Directory Groups with users from CSV Create AD user is sub OU Create All User Logon Scheduled Task Crea...