boxn.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容量 3.箱(或盒、匣)状物 4.(戏院、运动场等处的)包厢;(法院里的)陪审席;证人席;记者席;(餐馆的)分割式雅座,单间 5.(b man machine dialog人机对话 box in特异型制品装窑法,加边框线
DialogBox(hInstance, lpTemplate, hWndParent, lpDialogFunc) 参数解析: 1、hInstance 当前程序实例的句柄 2、lpTemplate 对话框模版资源的指针,即资源视图中创建后在resource.h文件中存在 3、hWndParent 父窗口句柄,如果直接在主程序中显示则为NULL 4、lpDialogFunc 回调函数,用于处理Dialog的事件 返回值:返回EndDialog...
Group Definition dialog box Utilizați caseta de dialogDefiniție gruppentru a crea, a revizui sau a modifica o definiție de grup. Puteți să: Revizuiți sau modificați o definiție de grup existentă, cum ar fi grupul Critic sau grupul Supraalocat. Create un gru...
对话框过程(Dialog box procedure)不是对话框窗口的窗口过程(Window procedure)。在Win32里,对话框的窗口过程由Windows系统提供,用户在创建对话框窗口时提供一个对话框过程由窗口过程调用。 对话框窗口被创建之后,Windows使得它成为一个激活的窗口,它保持激活直到对话框过程调用::EndDialog函数结束对话框的运行或者Windows...
Zakleni prvi stolpecZaklene levi stolpec v tabeli (običajno številko ID ali ime), tako da se ne pomakne iz pogleda. Informacij v zaklenjenem stolpcu ni mogoče urejati v tabeli. Samodejno prilagajanje višine vrstic z glavoPrilagodi višino vrstic z glavo tako, da se ...
DialogBox宏使用CreateWindowEx函数创建对话框。然后DialogBox发送WM_INITDIALOG消息(如果对话框模板设置字体,则也发送WS_VISIBLE消息),使父窗体失效,启动自身的消息循环获取和处理消息。 当对话框调用EndDialog函数,DialogBox销毁对话框,结束消息循环,使父窗体有效,返回被对话框过程调用EndDialog时指定的nResult参数。
Step 1 − To display the dialog box as modal, in the CExample::InitInstance() event call the DoModal() method using your dialog variable − BOOL CExample::InitInstance() { CExampleDlg myDlg; m_pMainWnd = &myDlg; myDlg.DoModal(); return TRUE; }...
CDialog::EndDialogCloses a modal dialog box. CDialog::GetDefIDGets the ID of the default pushbutton control for a dialog box. CDialog::GotoDlgCtrlMoves the focus to a specified dialog-box control in the dialog box. CDialog::InitModalIndirectCreates a modal dialog box from a dialog-box tem...
A dialog class, derived fromCDialog, to provide a programmatic interface for managing the dialog box. A dialog box is a window and will be attached to a Windows window when visible. When the dialog window is created, the dialog-template resource is used as a template for creating child win...
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