Zero (0) in a field means all or unlimited. Times When Run Specify options for times during the day when the event is to run: open or close of the business day, when convenient during the day, or at a specified time or at a specified interval. Comments, Notes, Measurements, Change ...
Storage: You can specify storage limits for the PDB total size or temporary tablespace usage, or both; or unlimited storage for either or both. File Name Conversions: Determines how the database generates the names of files (such as data files and wallet files) for the PDB. None: The data...
unlimited.Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).This document defines a dialog event package for the SIP Events architecture, along with a data format used in notifications for this package. The dialog package allows users to subscribe to another user and to receive notification of the ...
Database Link: If the source PDB is in a remote CDB, specify the name of the database link to use for connecting to the remote CDB.Storage: You can specify storage limits for the PDB total size or temporary tablespace usage, or both; or unlimited storage for either or both....