Host, Mr. Smith, in France will dial: 0179975060 (French toll local access number) Then: 8661231234# Then: PIN# Participants from the US will simply dial his US room number: 866-123-1234 Participants from Belgium will dial: 028080985 (Belgium toll local access number) Then: 8661231234# In...
FDNFrench Data Network(France; est. 1992) FDNFixed Dialing Number(telecommunications) FDNFuerza Democratica Nicaraguense(Nicaraguan Democratic Force) FDNFlorida Digital Network FDNFreedom Data Networks(Hitachi) FDNFichier Dosimétrique National(French: National Dose Registry; Canada) ...
STD Société des Touristes du Dauphiné (French: Tourists Society of Dauphin; France) STD Small Target Detection STD Sustainable Technology Development (Netherlands) STD Socially-Transmitted Disease (aka Sexually-Transmitted Disease) STD Software Test Document STD Safely Tolerated Dose STD Serial Transmit...