ISO 2 digit CodeCN ISO 3 digit CodeCHN Capital CityBeijing CurrencyYuan Renminbi CNY Population1,330,044,000 Area (SQ KM)9,596,960 This page helps you call from China to USA using international country codes. Area Codes for USA are also supplied. Country Code 1 is for USA. The dialing...
00110011 is the international prefix used to dial somewhere outside of Australia. 11 is the international code used to dial to USA. 213There are multiple city/area codes in use for Los Angeles. If 213 does not work, you may try the others. The area codes used are: 213/310/323/424/62...
11 is the international code used to dial to USA. 702702 is the local area or city code used to dial to Las Vegas. (The entered number already included the area code) 59625967025962596 is the local number you wrote. Find other dialing codes ...
Trying to put a call through to someone in the United States while you’re abroad? Before doing so, get to know about your communication options, international dialing, and the USA dialing code. Xe Consumer December 7, 2020— 4 min read Trying to put a call through...
Calling the USA from overseas? The US dialing code and how to make phone calls to the States Trying to put a call through to someone in the United States while you’re abroad? Before doing so, get to know about your communication options, international dialing, and t...
This is the code you need to dial IN to a country. Each country is assigned a unique country code. AREA CODE This is the code for a part of the country. It is usually a general area or a city. Some countries are not large enough to warrant their own code, so will have the count...
around the globe. Simply find and click the country you wish to call. You will find instructions on how to call that country using its country code, as well as other helpful information like area codes, ISO country codes. Making a phone call has never been easier with
Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes: CountryCountry CodeCity Codes Cambodia 855 Mobile codes: 92, 83, 998, 84, 999, 89, 1, 81 View dialing codes and compare Cambodia phone cards Cameroon 237 Mobile codes: 7, 9, 99 View dialing codes and ...
If you wish for example to call United Kingdom, change the first 0 of the phone number by the area code 0044 and then the entire phone number. It is important to know that each city has its own area code. So, to dial correctely a phone number : ...
ComNet (USA) LLC的業務是在北美 洲提供國際長途電話(「IDD」)批發和零售服務。 The "shortcut" allows you to switch from one SIM to another or to get to the Simore menu by simplydialingacode. ...