COUNTRY CODE This is the code you need to dial IN to a country. Each country is assigned a unique country code. AREA CODE This is the code for a part of the country. It is usually a general area or a city. Some countries are not large enough to warrant their own code, so will ...
code, while (0) indicates the National Direct Dialing. If you are calling from another country, the National Direct Dialing does not need to be used after dialing the country code. On the other hand, when dialing from within that country, the National Direct Dialing would be used and the ...
Here is a brief introduction to the country codes and time differences of different countries:1. United States: Country Code +1; Time Difference -8 to -5 hours (depending on location)2. China: Country Code +86; Time Difference +8 hours3. United Kingdom:
Germany to USA 00 1 212 123 4567 212 is the city code for New York. US city codes are always 3 digits. If there is a trailing 1, like 1-212-123 4567, then omit the 1. Germany to Japan 00 81 111 123 4567 Note: a typical mistake is adding a interstate long distance code to ...
ISD Codes or International Standard Dialling Codes –Do you want information regarding an ISD code and the country it belongs to? NativePlanet helps you with just that! You can find out the ISD code of a country or find a country using its ISD code easily. Note : Every country has its...
Click on the country name or country code to see this country city area codes: CountryCountry CodeCity Codes Cambodia 855 Mobile codes: 999, 89, 81, 92, 83, 998, 84, 1 View dialing codes and compare Cambodia phone cards Cameroon 237 Mobile codes: 99, 7, 9 View dialing codes and ...
Callbacknumberseitherincludea305or786area.Ifyourcallbacknumbersisa‘786’codethenenterthis insteadof‘305’. CountryNameCountryCodeHowtodialyourcallbacknumberfromthis country Albania355001(305)xxxxxxx Algeria213001(305)xxxxxxx Angola244011(305)xxxxxxx ...
CodeInternationalMobileDialingCodes-Effective6-1-12 Afghanistan9370,77-79 Albania35566-69 Algeria2135-6,77-7814,79 Andorra3763-4,6 Angola24491-93 Anguilla1(264)235,469,476,536-539,543,581-584,729,772 Antigua1(268)464,720-729,732,734,736,764,770-776,778-786,788-789 ...
This Country Dialing Code Excel spreadsheet is your complete guide to call anybody in the world, wherever he or she might be. The calling chart with country codes can be easily downloaded and will help you find the right dialing codes you need to make long distance phone calls to colleagues...
Set your own PIN-code for the Security lock by dialing the ADJUST wheel. 设置用于安全锁定的自己的 PIN- 代码,通过转动 ADJUST 轮来设置。 RCM synthesizes reactive, preventive, predictive, and proactive maintenance practices and strategies to maximize equipment lif...