You’ll find one or more area codes for each city in the US, and you can use these area codes for all the phone numbers in that region. Here are some common area codes in the country: New York, NY - 212, 347, 718, 917, 929 Washington, DC - 202 San Fra...
You’ll find one or more area codes for each city in the US, and you can use these area codes for all the phone numbers in that region. Here are some common area codes in the country: New York, NY - 212, 347, 718, 917, 929 Washington, DC - 202 San Franci...
You’ll find one or more area codes for each city in the US, and you can use these area codes for all the phone numbers in that region. Here are some common area codes in the country: New York, NY - 212, 347, 718, 917, 929 Washington, DC - 202 San Franci...