International dialing codes with instructions on how to make international calls from various countries. Country codes for hundreds of countries included.
format: +1-(0)3546-XXXX-XXXX. This example shows the numbers used for both international and national long-distance calls. +1 indicates the country code, while (0) indicates the National Direct Dialing. If you are calling from another country, the National Direct Dialing does not need to ...
publicfunctiontestFormatNumberForMobileDialing(){// Numbers are normally dialed in national format in-country, and international format from// outside the country.$this->assertEquals("030123456",$this->phoneUtil->formatNumberForMobileDialing(self::$deNumber, RegionCode::DE,false));$this->assertEqua...
You can also call a Spanish number in local format e.g. 612345678. However, to dial a German number you will need to dial the full international access code and the German country code e.g. 00 49 xxxxxxxxxx. How Do I Activate/Deactivate Smart Dialing?
controller 66 in the form of a table, though it may also be stored in any other desired format. The operation of inputting the telephone number using the numeric keys of the keyboard 65 corresponds to a dialing operation of the present apparatus when a call is placed, and thus the ...