Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is the fifth entry in the Indiana Jones franchise, directed by James Mangold and starring Harrison Ford in his final portrayal of the titular character. The film will see Jones in 1969 on an adventure with his goddaughter, Helena Shaw, as they find them...
"The simple fact is that the moon-landing program was run by a bunch of ex-Nazis. How 'ex' they are is the question. And it gets up Indy's nose..." ―Jez Butterworth[src] Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny[15] is the fifth and final theatrical install
Plot Edit Join the adventure with the cast and crew, showcasing new characters, stunts, music, locations, production design, and visual effects in five chapters that chart the making of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Synopsis It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title...
"Footcandle Films" Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (Podcast Episode 2023) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Jones does hold his breath for about eight hours while holding onto the outside of a submarine in the first film, but as with the aliens previously included, sci-fi just isn’t the right feel for Jones. After a fairly tight start, the Dial of Destiny falls apart dramatically as Jones ...
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Archaeologist Indiana Jones races against time to retrieve a legendary artifact that can change the course of history. Title Summary All ReleasesOriginal ReleaseOriginal Release All TerritoriesDomesticArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilBulgariaChileChinaColombiaCroatiaCzech...
Summary Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is a fun ride with the famed archeologist/adventurer still managing to entertain despite his advancing years. The question is do you really want to see him as a broken old man or would you rather remember him in his prime? That I’ll leave ...
Summary The Siege of Syracuse is an important event in the Indiana Jones franchise, with the film Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny centering its story around it. The Siege of Syracuse took place around 213-212 BC during Ancient Rome, as the Romans attempted to invade the city due to... Any idea what particular cue he is probably referring to when he says “...some of the great music featured in the film that isn’t on the album (one cue in partic...
Due to the film's massive budget, Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny's $384 million global gross wasn't enough for the sequel to break even.Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Summary Despite high expectations for the Indiana Jones sequel, it ended up being a financial disaster for Disney...