The edge of objectivity: An essay in the history of scientific ideas: by Charles Coulston Gillispie, 562 pages, diagrams, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1960. Price, $7.50鳥取県西部地震小学生防災教育記憶の継承意識調査6007 The opinion poll about succession of memory of the earthquake for...
6007 The opinion poll about succession of memory of the earthquake for the sixth grader in an elementary school : the case of 2000 Western Tottori Prefecture Earthquake ASAI Hideko , KUMAGAI Masahiko Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2013(農村計画), 13-14, 2013-08-30关键词:鳥取...
The first earthquake I experienced was the Yellowstone event in August of 1959. Maybe I was 5. All I remember really is seeing my mother upset in the middle of the night. We had passed through Yellowstone that day and were in a motel room just west of there. She thought a semi had r...
Although we often assume a double-couple as the source mechanism of an earthquake, significant non-double-couple components are reported in a variety of settings. We now review some topical examples. Non-DC events are most commonly seen in volcanic and geothermal regions (e.g., Miller et al...
An earthquake is 0.8 likely to set off your burglar alarm; a burglar is 0.9 likely to set off your burglar alarm.And- we can't compute this model fully without this info - the combination of a burglarandan earthquake is 0.95 likely to set off the alarm; and in the absence of either...
The authors offer a new approach to processing seismological reports using Voronoi diagrams to detect clustered dynamic events in an area exposed to high production loading, implemented as a cloud service in the framework of geomechanical–geodynamic safety system of Kuzbass. The cloud service allows ...
Response of a reinforced concrete infilled-frame structure to removal of two adjacent columns Eng Struct (2008) M.-H.Tsaiet al. Investigation of progressive collapse resistance and inelastic response for an earthquake-resistant RC building subjected to column failure ...
After that, back into Cody to visit an historic church which the gracious man of the collar opened to me. It has an ancientWurlitzer organ, of interest to few, but special to me. I told myself I wouldn’t refer to the church by its nickname, but there it was, on a bronze plaque...