The phase diagram of the binary Fe-Nd system has been determined using X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. The master alloys were prepared from high-purity metals by the levitation melting procedure. For pure neodymium, the melting point was found to be 979.0 ± 3.5 ° C and...
Sch1 : L. Schuffenecker, D. Balesdent, and J. Houriez, “Phase Diagram and Thermodynamic Properties of Cadmium-Lead System,” Thermochim. Acta, 38 , 89–96 (1980) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram.) Indicates key paper.L. Schuffenecker, D....
Eight intermediate phases are described. 1) Three solid solutions in the Ga2S3 region : a) a wurtzite-type solid solution (T > 1000° C ; 0.05 < n < 0.23) (n = Fe atFe at+Ga at), b) a blende-type solid solution (700°C < T < 980°C ; 0.10 < n < 0.20) with many ...
The five known intermetallic phases melt incongruently: Cr 3Ge at 1564 °C (homogeneous from 20.5 up to 25 at.% Ge) and Cr 5Ge 3 at 1262 °C (37.4 − 38.2 at.% Ge) with an allotropic transformation at 1002 °C; the three other phases Cr 11Ge 8 (melting at 1170 °C), CrGe...
Systeme Ga2Se3 FeSe. Etude cristallographique diagramme de phaseThis system is studied by D.T.A., metallographic and X-ray diffraction methods. Three phases are described in terms of n the atomic radio of Fe Fe+Ga. From n = 0 to n = 0.17 a solid solution of the sphalerite-type was...