Parts and Pictures. The human eye consists of the eyeball, optic nerve, orbit and appendages (eyelids, extraocular muscles and lacrimal glands). While the eyeball is the actual sensory organ, the other parts of of the eye are equally important in maintaining the health and function of the eye...
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
I'm looking at the force required to move the weights, i have a few sketches attached on a word document with an idea of how the apparatus works. Will...
拉筋大全图解(Reinforcement diagram Daquan) Illustrated diagram of tensile reinforcement First method: I have a 0.15 metre ladder in front of my desk, and then I go to class and sit on the chair. Put your feet up. Then his right leg fell back on his chair. I like this general class pre...
Themusculoskeletal system(also referred to separately as themuscle systemand theskeletal system), composed of the skeletal muscles and bones (with about 206 of the latter in adults), moves the body and protectively houses its internal organs. ...