Lumbar part- originates from the bodies of vertebrae L1-L3 andintervertebral discs, theanterior longitudinal ligamentand the arcuate ligaments (medial, lateral). All fibres converge on a central tendon in the middle of the trunk, which has no bony insertions. The diaphragm is the main muscle of...
concave on one long side and convex on the opposite. They are normally located high in theabdominal cavityand against its back wall, lying on either side of thevertebral columnbetween the levels of the 12th thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae, and outside the peritoneum, the membrane that line...
Butterfly-shaped bone formed by the fusion of the 5 sacral vertebrae Articulates with the 2 hip bones posteriorly Each side articulates with the ilium via the sacroiliac joints. Coccyx : Terminal end of the spine Inferior to the sacrum An attachment for various muscles, tendons, and ligam...
The twelve thoracic vertebrae make up the middle portion of the vertebral column. Review the anatomical characteristics of the vertebrae and test yourself.
human muscular system: lateral viewLateral view of the human muscular system. Characteristicof the vertebrate form, the human body has an internalskeletonthat includes a backbone of vertebrae. Typical of mammalian structure, the human body shows such characteristics ashair,mammary glands, and highly ...