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The human skeleton, like that of othervertebrates, consists of two principal subdivisions, each with origins distinct from the others and each presenting certain individual features. These are (1) theaxial,comprisingthevertebral column—the spine—and much of theskull, and (2) theappendicular, to...
Human skeleton, the internal skeleton that serves as a framework for the body. This framework consists of many individual bones and cartilages. There also are bands of fibrous connective tissue—the ligaments and the tendons—in intimate relationship wit
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
A human brain is composed of several parts, each with its own function. The parts of the brain include the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the brain stem, and the pituitary gland. The brain structure is protected by the skull, which is composed of the cranium and the bones of the face. Layers...
(spicules) ofsponges, and the tubes ofhydroids, all raised from the body surface, are similary protective. The bones of thevertebrateskullprotect the brain. In the more advanced vertebrates and invertebrates, many skeletal structures provide a rigid base for the insertion of muscles as well as ...
such extracellular materials as hair and nails are composed of protein. So also iscollagen, the fibrous, elastic material that makes up much of the body’s skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Proteins also perform numerous functional roles in the body. Particularly important are cellular proteins...
as seen in the pelvic bones and skull, become accentuated. Thehairin the armpits and the pubic hair becomes abundant and thicker. Facial hair develops, as well as hair on the chest, abdomen, and limbs. Hair at the temples recedes. Skin glands become more active, especially apocrine glands...
The larynx, or voice box, enlarges, with resultant deepening of the voice. Certain features in the skeleton, as seen in the pelvic bones and skull, become accentuated. The hair in the armpits and the pubic hair becomes abundant and thicker. Facial hair develops, as well as hair on the ...