This is called the pulmonary circulation. From your pulmonic valve, blood travels to the pulmonary artery to tiny capillary vessels in the lungs. Here, oxygen travels from the tiny air sacs in the lungs, through the walls of the capillaries, into the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide...
Learn about pulmonary circulation. Study a circulatory system diagram, trace blood flow through the heart, and identify the importance of the...
Learn the definition of fetal circulation. Understand the fetal blood flow and fetal circulatory system through the use of the fetal circulation...
The pulmonary circulation transports blood from the right atrium to the left atrium. The pulmonary artery is in charge of delivering blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. Blood is oxygenated and cleansed before being returned to the left atrium through the pulmonary vein and then to the ...
double circulation blood blood is the body’s fluid connective tissue, and it forms a vital part of the human circulatory system. its main function is to circulate nutrients, hormones, minerals and other essential components to different parts of the body. blood flows through a specified set ...
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
comes in. The circulatory system involves the circulation of blood throughout our body, and thus includes the transportation of gases, nutrients, waste products, etc. The basic components that comprise this system are the blood vessels (mainly arteries and veins), the blood itself, and the ...
The heart, one of the most significant organs in the human body, is nothing but a muscular pump which pumps blood throughout the body. The human heart and its functions are truly fascinating. The heart, though small in size, performs highly significant f
pulmonary circulation resistance 血液在肺部血管内流动时和血管壁之间的摩擦力和血液内部的摩擦阻力。肺动脉管壁较薄,分支短而管径大,故肺动脉的可扩性较大,对血流的阻力很小,仅0.12PRU(外周阻力单位)。肺循环动脉部分总的阻力和静脉部分总的阻力相等,故血液流动时在动脉部分的压力降落和静脉部分的压力降落相等。
canmakethebodyfeelakindofmildburning sensation.Theuseofthisheat,thepenetrationofhumanskin andproducestimulation,canpromotethecirculationofblood patency,andplaytheroleofmedicaltreatmentandhealthcare. Aiyewarm,withwarmandcoldeffect;AIaromaticflavor,having hairbody,skineffect;AIcantemperaturethroughthetwelve ...