(uppermost) sacral vertebra articulates with the last (lowest) lumbar vertebra. The transverse processes of the first three sacral vertebrae are fused to form wide lateral wings, oralae, andarticulatewith the centre-back portions of the blades of the ilia to complete the pelvic girdle. The ...
spine, or vertebral column, is the most important anatomical and functional axis of the human body. It consists of 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae and is limited cranially by the skull and caudally by the sacrum.Vertebral Column: Anatomywith the lower ...
開始學習Anatomi: ben kotorna. Lumbar spine. Left lateral view, anterior view, superior view.。利用單詞卡、遊戲和其他學習工具來學習字彙、詞語等項目。