因为有4中碱基,所以构成DNA的核苷酸由四种。 一个核苷酸的五碳糖3号碳原子和与另一个核苷酸的磷酸之间通过磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester bond)缩合,形成核酸的骨架(alternating sugar and phosphate molecules forming the ‘backbone’),骨架部分都是一样的,不同的是碱基的变化,最后形成的长链结构是就叫核酸(nucleic acid...
A phosphodiester bond is a covalent link in which the two OH groups of the phosphoric acid, (HO)2P(=O)2, form two separate ester bonds between the OH containing carbon number 5’ on one sugar unit and OH of carbon 3’ of another sugar unit, that is –C-OH, of two sugar molecules...
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the largest macromolecule or biopolymer that is made up of small monomeric units called nucleotides joined by phosphodiester bonds. DNA carries the genetic instructions for the functioning, development, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. Only ...